Program Accreditation

Hits: 2875
by AACUP (Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines)
Program Major Accreditation
Abucay Campus
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering on-going evaluation
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture  Animal Science Level III
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture  Crop Science Level III
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Agricultural Crops Production newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Animal Production newly offered program (not accreditable)
Balanga Campus
Bachelor of Secondary Education English Level IV
Bachelor of Secondary Education Filipino Level IV
Bachelor of Secondary Education Social Studies Level IV
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Level II
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Level III
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Level III
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Human Resource Management Level III
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Marketing Management Level III
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Operations Management Level III
Bachelor of Public Administration newly offered program (not accreditable)
Dinalupihan Campus
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Elementary Education  Level III (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Secondary Education Mathematics Level III (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Secondary Education Science Level III (Phase 1)
Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Architecture Level III
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Level III (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Management on-going evaluation
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Structural Engineering on-going evaluation
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Level III (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Level III
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Level III (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Animation newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Automotive Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Civil and Construction Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Drafting Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Electrical Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Electronics Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education  Food and Service Management newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Garments Fashion and Design newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Heating, Ventilating and Airconditioning Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Hotel and Restaurant Services newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Mechanical Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Welding and Fabrication Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Creative and Performing Arts newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication New Media newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Level II
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Automotive Technology Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology  Drafting Technology Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology  Electrical Technology Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology  Electronics Technology Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology  Food Service Technology for review
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology  Garments for review
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Heating, Ventilating and Airconditioning Technology for review
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology  Mechanical Technology Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Network and Data Communication Level III
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Software Development Level III
Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing Digital Animation Technology newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing  Game Development newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology  Network and Web Application Level III
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Level IV (Phase 1)
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management on-going evaluation
Orani Campus
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Level II
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial Arts newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Physical Education on-going evaluation
Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences Fitness and Sports Coaching newly offered program (not accreditable)
Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences Fitness and Sports Management newly offered program (not accreditable)