About the College

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College of Industrial Technology

The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) program was developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1975 and adopted by the school in the same year school year 1975-1976. However, due to the massive change of technology in industry the school took an initiative to update and revise the BSIT curriculum to further produce more efficient, effective and quality graduates. Thereby, pursuant to CHED Memorandum Order No. 59, s. 1996 the new BSIT program was implemented during the school year 1998-1999. All the subjects embodied in this curriculum are industry-oriented. The professional and technical courses are progressively arranged to enable the development of mastery of the fundamentals of specialized skills of the occupation. In addition, the desired related courses in the arts and social sciences as well as organization and management are offered to enhance the development of technical competence and effectiveness of the individual to assume management roles and to prepare him as a good member of the society.

Moreover, to ensure the delivery of service with excellence to the community the college envisioned to provide highly motivated, practical, technically educated, globally competitive and spirited Filipino workers. Also, the college is committed to equip the students with knowledge and technical expertise, particularly in the field of research.

Furthermore, the college mission is to produce globally competitive individuals equipped knowledge and technical expertise through quality and relevant academic activities, research and extension.

The College of Industrial Technology was awarded Level II Status from the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) last December 2009 and still at present the program has continue seeking its thrust for quality education and services thru submitting its program for Level III accreditation.

The College of Industrial Technology is headed by full-time Dean and College Coordinator to provide leadership and direction to the education of the program. At present, the college was under the leadership of Dr. Edmundo C. Tuñgol and Mr. Noel T. Hipolito.