About the College
Hits: 5775College of Education
The College of Education is a home to outstanding teachers in the basic education sector in the province. Its commitment to contribute to the band of selfless and noble teachers in the province is deeply-rooted to its beginning in June of 1970. The course Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) opened with major concentration in the field of General Science. In the succeeding years, other major fields of specialization such as Mathematics (1988), Filipino (1988), Physical Education (1991) and Social Studies (1994) were added. The first head of the Education Department was Dr. Felicidad Rubiano, who later became the administrator of the Bataan Colleges (now Balanga Campus) from 1987 to March 1999. Dr. Rubiano was also the concurrent head of the AB Department which was then offering Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.
The teacher education program was formally given recognition by then Jaime C. Laya, Minister of Education, Culture and Sports under Government Recognition No. 172 s. 1985.
In 1987, Dr. Teresita Reyes Castillo took over the leadership of the Education Department, where she led for more than a decade.
In 1999, after the integration of BC to BPSC, the Education Department was renamed to Institute of Education (IE). Dr. Rolando Pimentel Manaligod served as the first head of the Institute from 1999-2006.
In School Year 2001-2002, English was added as major of the BSE program.
In 2003, Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) with field of specialization in Home Economics was offered in Orani Campus.
In August 2006, a new dean of the Institute in the person of Dr. Roliver Mendoza Baciles was designated. In the same year, the BSE curriculum was revised pursuant to CHED Memorandum Order No. 30 series of 2004. The General Science major was phased out and replaced with Biological Science and Physical Science. Likewise, the Physical Education major was replaced with Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH). These changes in the curriculum were approved by the Board of Trustees (BOT) through Resolution No. 34 series of 2006.
In 2007, BPSC was converted to BPSU, and Bataan State College, whose Dinalupihan Campus specializes in Teacher Education was integrated to the University. This called for major changes in the set-up of the Institute. The Institute was renamed College of Education (COED) as a result of universityhood. The College of Education is housed at Balanga Campus and oversees Teacher Education programs in the campuses of Orani, Abucay and Dinalupihan.
The changes and challenges which the COED has gone through did not blur its vision to produce teachers who have the heart in preparing the next generation of Filipinos. Indeed, the COED is a bastion of teachers who have the passion for service for the glorification of our Creator.