Main History

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The Main Campus is well-known in the field of engineering and technology. Since its inception in 1953, the Main Campus ( formerly Bataan National School of Arts and Trades or BNSAT) was among the country’s top-producers of high-caliber technician-leaders needed by industries both locally and abroad.

Another niche in the field of engineering branched out as a result of the campus’ firm foundation in technological instruction. With industry-based shop layout and equipment, and a pool of well-trained instructors, the campus offered engineering courses in 1997. Five years after the offering of engineering courses, graduates began to  compete side by side with the graduates of top universities and colleges in the country, bringing glory to their alma mater.

Today, aside from technology and engineering courses, the Main Campus has academic programs in the fields of information and communications technology (ICT), business and nursing. Likewise, the School of Advanced Studies, also located in the campus, caters to the needs of professionals in the province for advanced learning.

With its past contribution to the socio-economic development, the Main Campus will continue to serve as the catalyst of positive change in the province and in the country.

Address: Capitol Compound, Tenejero, City of Balanga, Bataan 2100