Graduate Tracer Study of the Bachelor of Elementary Education, SY 2004-2009
Hits: 13472Research Title: Graduate Tracer Study of the Bachelor of Elementary Education, SY 2004-2009
Researcher:Dr. Dolores B. Dumas and Judy B. Dumlao
Cost: P 30,099.000
Source of Fund: BPSU GAA
Completion Date: July 2011
This graduate tracer study aimed to magnify the current employment status of the BEEd graduates from the school year 2004 - 2009, respectively. Specifically, it sought to unveil the employment data of the respondents as to regular/permanent, casual, contractual, self-employed, unemployed, and abroad. It also assessed the viability of the present BEED Program of the BPSU College of Education as to catering the demands of the community and the neighboring provinces.
The study made use of the descriptive survey method which actually involved two faculty researchers and the thirty percent of the actual 403 graduates which comprised 120 respondents from SY 2004 - 2009. The main instrument used for gathering data was a questionnaire-checklist based on CHED Graduate Tracer Study Format.
The significant findings of this study were as follows; most of the respondents came from the province of Bataan and most were female respondents. There were only 51 respondents who were LET eligible and only 2 were CSE qualified. There were only 5 holders of MAEd and none among the respondents were holders of Ph. D./Ed/D. degrees as their highest educational attainment. As to employment status, 32 were regular/permanent, 19 were contractual. The curriculum relevance according to the respondents was 75and those who answered NO did not give any suggestions to further improve the curriculum. Among the competencies measured, communication skills ranked 1st, human relations ranked 2nd while entrepreneurial skills ranked 6th. It was significant to note that among the 120 respondents, 52 were self-employed.